“[Dan Truman] showed an uncanny ability to nail the comic sensibility of the story, which involved simultaneously conveying humor and pathos.  Great comic instincts, through which real humanity shone.” 
       -George Saunders
author of  “Sea Oak” and the Man Booker Prize winning novel LINCOLN IN THE BARDO

Feature film “The Artist’s Wife – to premiere at Hamptons International Film Festival. Enjoyed working with my heroes Lena Olin, Bruce Dern and director Tom Dolby as an English talk show host interviewing Lena Olin and Bruce Dern.  Coming 2020 from Strand Releasing.

Trailer for short film WAIMEA directed by Steve Herold and starring Kevin Kolack (Death of an Umbrella Salesman, Blue Ruin). I play his neighbor “Mike.”

Trailer for feature LINEA DE SANGRE in which I play Detective Moko Jumbe, directed by Garfield Boston.

Nominated for 2019 Audioverse Awards best actor award for “Crab” in Uncanny County podcast episode”Wish You Were Here.

Booked and shot a baffled rural Alaskan “Postal Worker” on THE BLACKLIST Season 5, Episode 9 “Ruin” 

Booked and shot role of one of a pair of Detectives in  Amazon Pilot SEA OAK starring Glenn Close and Jack Quaid, directed by Atlanta‘s Hiro Murai, and adapted by Man Booker Prize Nominee George Saunders from his short story. Update- scene was deleted, but boy did I have fun shooting it. 


I grew up in a small town in Connecticut, where I drank root beer and savored the smell of old comic books in between walks in the woods as leaves crunched under my feet. I play people with a different point of view, playing by a different set of rules, sometimes vulnerable, often enthusiastic about the wrong things. I’ve played a lot of things, but where I can best contribute to your team is playing someone struggling or wrestling with an ethical or moral dilemma – as embodied in MICHAEL CLAYTON – Tom Wilkinson, THE WOODSMAN – Kevin Bacon, and HOUSE OF CARDS – Corey Stoll. Thanks for stopping by and watching my reel.   I can’t wait to add some real character to your next project.